The following Forms and Documents are important tools to assist your efforts to buy a business:

This Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement

This Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement identifies the responsibilities and obligations of Potential Buyers as it pertains to any information disclosed about a business. It outlines a Buyer's expected conduct when visiting or inquiring about businesses that are listed. This Agreement requires the Buyers / Potential Buyers signature prior to the disclosure of information about the business. If you have any questions, please call us for guidance.

Selling business owners and Business Brokers feel strongly about assuring complete confidentiality. Maintaining confidentiality can be critical to preserving market value for a variety of reasons. For example, what if a key employee came to know about ownership changes, began looking around and left? Competitors armed with this knowledge have been known to use it as a negative sales tool. It can even affect vendor relationships.
Therefore, we will require your signature and appropriate identification prior to disclosing any detailed business information.


Confidential Financial Statement

The Personal Financial Statement is an essential Buyer tool. It will help to shape the business opportunities that align your financial circumstances with your interests, experience and income expectations.

Also, depending upon the competitive environment, cost and complexity of a business, some Seller's require that Potential Buyer's provide financial disclosures and an experience summary prior to any significant disclosures about their business.

Astute Buyers know they must cover the purchase price and also plan for deposits, future operating capital and unforeseen business necessities. This form provides a simple format for financial planning for the purchase of a business.
